Credit Scores Make an Even Bigger Difference Than You Think for a Home Loan

Jul 29, 2024

by | Jul 29, 2024

Hint: It’ll take more than just your credit score.

How much of a bigger difference, you ask? Huge. And while a 640 credit score does play a role, it’s not the only bullet you have in your real estate rifle.

Your ammo to making your credit score really count, though – often regardless of what your score is – falls directly on one asset you must have.


The real estate agent

That agent is your advocate. Your cheerleader. Your freedom fighter in the war of home buying, contributing to today’s financial challenges. But more importantly…. 

Which agent you choose makes a big difference as to how your credit score will get you through the escrow door!

Here are some reasons why it’s important you choose the right one for your needs:


1. Your real estate agent is your expert guide – but in the right market for you

It means that agent will know what’s trending in your area in terms of the kind of housing that’s available.

Not to mention that agent knows all the jargon in a real estate transaction, plus all the forms, reports, disclosures, documentation – you get the idea.


2. Your real estate agent is also your advisor – when it matters to you

Just like no buyer’s the same – no agent’s the same. So the ideal match makes a difference.

If you already know what you want – and know what needs to be done to get it – having an agent that will advise you on ways to get there (and not why you might not be able to) may move your needle of success a lot better.


3. Your real estate agent knows exactly where your credit score will have the most impact

Better yet, your agent will know your ideal market the best – only if you go with an agent who specializes in that particular market.

To be fair, an agent doesn’t even need to know your credit score! All that agent needs is a preapproval letter from a lender for a particular home loan amount.

But as we already know…. Making a successful offer on a home relies more than just your credit score!

So the questions remains – how do you find the right real estate agent?

You definitely don’t just randomly choose the first one you find online that happens to be in your area. You certainly don’t want to opt for your cousin who hasn’t negotiated a single home buying contract (yet). That’s for sure.

Rather, be strategic with:

The website giving you the insight and insider’s look and on real estate agents in your area.

Simply click the link below for more information and find the right real estate agent for you!